Ways to give & forms
Regular Giving - This is the most popular way of making a gift, as it spreads the cost over a period of time and enables the school to plan ahead. The advantage of monthly donations is the power it gives to the school to borrow against regular donations, enabling larger projects to be financed. Payments are normally made by standing order, typically monthly, in addition to enhancing the donation using the Gift Aid scheme.
Payroll Giving - If you give through your payroll, your gift is made from your salary before it is taxed. So a monthly gift of £20 will cost you only £15.60 from your net pay.
A number of companies offer a "Matched Giving" scheme, through which they double any charitable donations made by their employees. Please check with your HR Department to see if your company operates any such scheme.
Legacy Pledges - Charitable legacies are donations made as part of your will. By remembering The Judd School in your will, you can create a legacy of learning and help to contribute to the future success of the School.
One Off Gifts - Some parents choose to give a single gift of an equivalent amount to a gift given over several years; in doing so, it will reduce the school's need to borrow and therefore minimise any interest payments.
The easiest way to donate today is to set up a standing order to the details below:
Account name: The Judd School Development Fund
Sort code: 16-00-15
Account no: 23111058
Using reference: Your child's surname and six digit date of birth i.e Jones 281109
- If you wish to complete a form then please use the Standing Order Form to detail your donation
- Return to: finance@judd.kent.sch.uk or post to the address at the foot of the form
- If you wish to give in other ways such as CAF donation or Give as You Earn etc. please contact Megan Farmar in the Finance office.
- A Gift Aid Form should also be completed to allow us to claim gift aid of 25% on top of any donation