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The Judd May Ball Auction is NOW OPEN!!!

Please use the attached QR code or follow the link below to open the auction site. Registration is simple. Just click on the purple icon with the person in it. Once you’ve registered you can bid on any item (anonymously if you want) and/or sponsor the items on the donation page.

We would love everyone to get involved and support this auction so that we can raise as much money as possible to buy a new minibus as our main goal. To those generous and kind donors of auction prizes, we are immensely grateful. We truly appreciate your generosity and support. We also have some fantastic personalised experiences not offered elsewhere alongside some collectibles to tempt you. 100% of all donations (minus transaction fees) and a percentage of the Superstars auction lots will come to the JPA.

Please support our fundraising efforts!!!

A huge thank you to those parents who have so generously donated their experiences & gifts. We couldn’t have put this together without your fantastic donations.

Thank you

Your JPA

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