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Maths Updates

We started the month off with some impressive results from the JMC! It was the first year in a long time that we could have a whole year to compete in the sports hall and we were really impressed with how the students approached the challenge.

We always look forward to seeing the new list of ‘ones to watch’ and feel certain that they’ll continue doing well over the years to come but the short list are: Year 7: Jonathan W was best in year followed closely by Sid U and Adam S. Year 8: Bill Z was best in year followed by Danny K and Martin J. We believe it’s a unique opportunity that every Juddian should have and we’re very grateful for the parents association that funds it for us. We have more students get through to the follow-on rounds than other schools even enter and we’re very proud of each and every one who takes part and gives it their best. The next rounds are on the 11th of June, the Olympiad and Kangaroo, where we have a whopping 70 students taking part! Last year we had 54 go through to the next rounds so we’re chuffed with the results this year and look forward to seeing how well they do! Details to follow on the timings of the day - the planning gets more complicated every year!