Best ever GCSE Results

Year 11 achieve outstanding results, our best examination results of the 9-1 grade era.
Our GCSE students have outperformed all others that went before them, with an average grade of 7.7 across all qualifications, up more than a quarter of a grade on the last two years’ results.
Eighteen students achieved ten or more grade 9s: Max Baker, Matthew Blackburn, Michael Bowry, Abhay Chimmalgi, Nathan Cooper, Joe Edwards, Louis Edwards, Felipe Fujimori, Toby Hammond, Griff John, Harry King, Samuel Lumley, Alistair McCrae, Amaan Siddiqui, Adi Srivastava, James Thurgood, Aaron Watts and Osian Williams.
An incredible further 41 students achieve a place on our coveted Honours Board, for achieving 10 or more excellent grades (8 or better), including 15 who achieved all their grades at 8 or higher.
More than 80% of all results were graded 7 or better, a significant rise on previous larger cohorts of six forms of entry. A third of all results were grade 9 and also a third of students achieved 7s or better in all their subjects.
Jon Wood, Headteacher, said:
For our Year 11 to achieve these results is incredibly pleasing, they have worked so hard and deserve these outcomes. I am tremendously grateful to all the staff that have put in such effort to support our students to do so well.
It is also heartening to see so many students achieving the grades they needed to stay at Judd and study their chosen subjects. Of course, this is also a time we say farewell to some of our students who will leave us after five years at the school - we wish them all the best in their next steps - they’ll always be Juddians!
The Judd School is about so much more than great results, but that doesn’t mean that we are any less delighted when students do brilliantly in their academic studies! We will continue to offer an experience of secondary school that combines such performances in exams with those on the playing fields, in concert halls, on the stage and on trips out of school.”
Well done to all our students, we look forward to seeing many of you again in September, when we’ll also welcome students from far and wide to join our Sixth Form.