Education Committee
- Luke Rajah - Chairman
- Alexandra Akrimi - Safeguarding Governor
- Jeremy Cronk - SEN Governor
- Roper Peckham-Cooper
- Zillah Anderson
- Rachel Donati
- Hugo Brown - Chairman of Governors (ex-officio committee member)
In Attendance
- Jon Wood - Headteacher
- Kate Middleton - Deputy Headteacher - currently on secondment
- Riaan Vorster - Deputy Headteacher
- Ashtrid Turnbull - Deputy Headteacher
The Education Committee is responsible for overseeing the arrangements made by the Headmaster for implementing the school’s curriculum, reviewing the arrangements for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning and monitoring the implementation of the School Improvement Plan. In broad terms, our agendas cluster items under Curriculum, Policies, Pastoral and Specialism. The Committee meets at least three times a year and, with recent changes to iGCSE, the introduction of electives, new timetabling arrangements etc., often more frequently. The Committee is perhaps closest to the day-to-day operation of the school and is a ‘finger on the pulse of the School’ for Governors.