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German Play - Auf dem Campingplatz

At the campsite was the title of this year's play performed for year 9 and year 10 German learners. Now an annual tradition the visiting native speaker actors played out the chaotic events surrounding the visit to a campsite of two friends, an experienced camper and a complete novice. With able support from two year 10 students who took the role of German speaking English campers the audience enjoyed watching the actors deal with terrible showers, a lack of food, a surfeit of clothes and the unavailability of power points to plug in a hair dryer.  Students had spent a lesson prior to this catching up on the vocab needed to ensure their understanding and enjoying the faux falsetto voices employed by some students when acting out the roles of the two female participants in this sorry saga. The boys probably enjoyed their time at the campsite more than the actresses!

With thanks to our supporting cast, the enthusiastic audience participation and the German department for organising this dramatic and comedic tour de force!