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World Book Day - Thursday 6 March

To celebrate World Book Day, we will be running a series of events throughout the week:

Drop Everything and Read for Y7 to 10 in English lessons. Students will have an opportunity to read and discuss the books they are currently reading.

Y7 and Y8 speed reading event: a fun activity in the library where all students in Y7 and 8 will read extracts from a range of genres to help broaden their reading tastes.

Short story competition: a 500 word detective short story for all year groups. Prizes available.

Updated reading lists for Y7 to 9 available on Google Sites. This will be an attractive and accessible site with book covers, blurbs and further links to more information on each book featured.

Please support your child in making sure they have a book in their bag every day. It is heartening to see far more students reading around the school.

Thank you for your support.