Physics students to attend prestigious CERN summer school in Geneva
Congratulations to Year 12 A level Physics students - George and Hannah-Jane – who have won places at the CERN International Particle Summer School in Geneva.
Encouraged by Mr Hewitt and Ms Joshi, they took part in an essay competition (organised by Sevenoaks School) and were selected to join the small team of 12 winning students from other local schools.
The title of Hannah’s essay was “What is the importance of Higgs Boson to particle physicists?” and George’s essay explored the question of “How cosmologists can work with particle physicists”.
Hannah and George will spend a week at CERN in August exploring the fascinating world of particle physics through lectures, on-site visits, hands-on workshops, and will get a taste of being part of CERN’s scientific community. We expect some answers on their return!